About Cindy Mazejy
Quiet and introspective, I entered this world with a driving curiosity to understand why we feel what we feel and do what we do. Pursuing that underlying theme led to earning a Masters in Counseling followed by working as an Academic Advisor in higher education.
Between those early stages of this "inner journey" and now, I married, raised three amazing children, worked in higher education and business, and divorced.
My Journey to Becoming a Life Coach
Along the way, and like the rest of us, several of life's circumstances seemed insurmountable. I navigated challenging times with years of inspired reading, the pursuit of alternative and intuitive studies, and the support and collaboration with gifted individuals.
In spite of all I thought I "knew", counseling and coaching is what fast forwarded my progress. I continue to receive coaching and truly understand the value of the "coach" and the role of the "client". I speak to you from firsthand experience.
While all this "inner work" was going on, I was also morphing professionally into a hybrid between higher education, corporate and the contracting arena of small business. Experience in these areas broadened my perspective while I continued to consistently assist, educate, mentor and inspire others.
Self Freedom Life Coaching began to evolve years ago with its roots in what I called "Personal Energy Balancing". I specialized in therapeutic acupressure yet offered coaching throughout each session and beyond. Because I'm so dedicated to this path, I trained as a Certified Professional Coach and Strategic Intervention Life Coach. I chose this program specifically because it's based upon the work of Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes.
"Within every challenge lies the wondrous gift of opportunity." This was my first tagline and I still subscribe to its value. My intentions for you are the same as those I hold for myself; to live your best life with a loving and joyful heart.
Degrees and Certifications:
Montclair State University, MA, Counseling
Fowler International Academy, Certified Professional Coach
Robbins-Madanes Training, Certified Professional Coach
American School of Hypnosis, Diploma of Hypnotherapy
The Weiss Institute/Omega Institute, Past Life Regression Therapy Certification
NICABM, (National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine) Working With the Pain of Abandonment

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